Tuesday, April 13, 2010

360 Elite Upconverting?

Is the Elite system an upconverting DVD drive?360 Elite Upconverting?
have you ever heard of Google.com?360 Elite Upconverting?
[QUOTE=''_RA0_'']have you ever heard of Google.com?[/QUOTE]Relax, we are in a forum where information is exchanged, thanks for the input.
I DID google it, and this is one of the first results. Google links to other sites where people ask questions and arrogant dorks like you tell them to google it, when if noone asked in a forum or posted on a blog there would be no google results to answer the question. BTW, does the Elite have an upconverting DVD player?
Yes it isIt's not the best but for many it'll get the job done.
any 360 will upconvert dvds, as long as you have hdmi or vga hooked up.
[QUOTE=''gagit811'']any 360 will upconvert dvds, as long as you have hdmi or vga hooked up.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't do that good of a job to be honest. I went out and bought a 1080p upconvert player so that my movies would look a lot better.

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