K well I've had my 360 for a bit over a year now bought it last september. So I had the warranty until the end of september right? Well on Septeber 28th I got 2 red rings which means it was overheating. So I let it cool for 4 days since I was going away anyway. Then when I got back It still had the same problem. I felt the back and it wasn't even the slightest bit warm! It's in the most well ventelated area in my house. I asked my friend if I could borrow his cooling fan and it didn't do anything. Why is this suspicious, well I called microsoft and told them about the problem and I'm getting a new one but my warranty expired 9 days before I called them so I had to pay 100 freakin bucks to renew my warranty. It's suspicous how my Xbox wasn't even hot and it just happens as soon as my warranty expires (Which was on the 26th). What do you think?Hmmm, Suspicious.....
Clearly your 360 is out to get as much money out of you as possible.Or you could just be unlucky. Hmmm, Suspicious.....
Hmmm, Coincidence.....
I agree with MadSoldier -- you've been screwed :p
Same happened to my old PS2. 3 days after the warranty ran out, it started acting up, scratching my CDs, and the front panel fell off. It's rather creepy.
The old 360 were poorly build. Unlucky mate.
sorry to hear TC you must stay strong lol joke.nail polish
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