Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Far Cry 2, where's the much deserved att ...

Far Cry 2 is an upcoming (Oct. 21) FPS with a full fledged MAP EDITOR, IMMERSIVE 50KM OPEN GAME WORLD, different singleplayer possibilites 80 HOURS OF SINGLEPLAYER, GREAT GRAPHICS/WEATHER, smooth GAMEPLAY, etc. Already reviewed (PC version) 9.4/10.This is nothing like Far Cry Instincts, this is going to be an amazing FPS on the 360, potentially one of, if not, the best for 2008. I recommend for those of you who don't know it to look up some footage on Youtube.Did I mention a MULTIPLAYER MAP EDITOR? Not the ''Forge'' piece of crap, an actual map editor you create land from th ground up and has over ONE THOUSAND objects from buildings, vegetation, vehicles, etc. with a 512m x 512m map size.A map editor that allows players to post their maps on Ubisoft servers for others to rate and recommend, and for seamlessly EASY download size/rates in order to join other people's games (20 seconds, not even, to download another player's map and join that room of up to 20 players). This game needs some attention, so much work has been put into it and it looks very well polished and great.Far Cry 2, where's the much deserved att ...
I knew the game was gonna have good features and all, but I didn't know THAT much!!!! now I want it even more!!!! already gots mine pre-ordered, too. :)Far Cry 2, where's the much deserved att ...
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
im very hyped for this game but its just coming out at the wrong time
got the game fully paid for already,look at my ava :).
i love this game it will be the best of 08 maybe, but theres just way to many games to be excited for like fable 2, fallout 3, gears of war 2, the new halo game is being very much talked about, COD5, saints row 2, dead space(maybe), tom Clancy's ENDWAR. these are all great games...games i'm going to be getting but great games. its hard to be hyped for them all, especially fable 2 since it lost its mulitpayer on launch till when ever and the special edition is cut..its just like the first game one after another that all your left with is a crap game...So its not just farcry that is being left out its all the games its just so hard to be hyped and in control of all these games coming out, i know i'm going to be flat broke trying to get these
Holy Crap seriously u can do that with the map. This definitaly does deserve more attention.
lol just cuz u don't c it much around this place dun mean its not noticed by a large amount of ppl yes? :)
ya farcry owns bit first fable 2 then i get farcry then fallout 3 only got enough for fable but about 2 weeks i should have my 160 dollar cheak for working election poles on nov 4
[QUOTE=''Hackeysacked'']Holy Crap seriously u can do that with the map. This definitaly does deserve more attention.[/QUOTE] yes and thats one of the big reasons why people love farcry games because of its map editer complet mapediter when u lower the ground or makes hills or water and then u cna pick what u want ground look like grass or destert or w/e then you haves tons and tons of items vechials theres really no limit to the stuff you can use like forge u have money b.s well on here endless think like forge mode on halo like 50x better unlimited power http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lnG4WhXMtE
hmm well most people that i know including myself didnt enjoy far cry i thought it was average, single player completely uninteresting.its had a map editor before that suked imo i mean it may not have been as deep as the new one but you could build your own stages using actually land pieces and such. What really made it bad is that like 95% of all of the user created maps that i played on were complete garbage and you had to wait for a long time while the game dled the map.i just had an overall bad exp with farcry on all fronts i could never understand why people liked it but i may give this one a try it.
[QUOTE=''Gen007''] hmm well most people that i know including myself didnt enjoy far cry i thought it was average, single player completely uninteresting.its had a map editor before that suked imo i mean it may not have been as deep as the new one but you could build your own stages using actually land pieces and such. What really made it bad is that like 95% of all of the user created maps that i played on were complete garbage and you had to wait for a long time while the game dled the map.i just had an overall bad exp with farcry on all fronts i could never understand why people liked it but i may give this one a try it.[/QUOTE] I concure with you on some of these points.Far Cry (Instincts)'s singleplayer is quite linear. This one has a 50km open world and you are able to MAKE CHOICES on what to do in terms of storyline, with 9 different playable characters in the singleplayer.As for the crappy multiplayer maps... Ubisoft has known about this issue and has implemented a map rating system. So I'd imagine a 1-5 star system being used, and crappy maps will have low stars so you know just how good/bad the map you are about to join really is. This game will be excellent!
I want this game very much
Because it will be so much better on the PC I dont think console fans are jumping for joy
I'm freaken hyped for far cry 2 and it is my favourite game to come out this year.
yep it looks incredible can't wait to play it this month.
The game looks great, if anyone is even slightly interested in it and is considering picking it up; pre-order it. There's six exclusive missions that you'll miss out if you don't do so.
I imagine a lot of the hype for the game is in the PC forum. That said I think after the game is rated, provided it performs well, I think It will have a growing hype. It might be a bit of a sleeper hit.If COD5 turns out to be more COD3 instead of 4 I could see Farcrybenefitingfrom that.
Yeah people wont like COD5 cus its WW2, I probably will but in the modern era fighting genre Far Cry 2 will sweep clean COD4's servers and everybody will be playing Far Cry. Hopefully you will look for a game and BOOM 600 20 player servers full are there just like COD or Halo.
I'm really torn between this and Fable 2.

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