Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are used games slowly killing the game i ...

The gameing industry have been mad at gamestops used game resale for a wail now, but with thier quarter breaking sales of used games it seems that the market have been taken a keener notice and a huge dislike. Now i much like a lot of you will go buy a used game in a heart beat. I mean you cant beat getting a new game cheaper and a guarantee that it will work or if you just don't like it bring it back and pick something else. But i also spend a good bit on new games (well the ones worth buying new) cause after ready a article about a year ago and finding out that the game makers don't make a red cent off used games i realized that my favorite past time would be in jeopardy if this trend continue. You see it in the music industry were instead of buying a cd you just download one song on you mp3 and low and behold no one is really cranking out great cds anymore. Just singles to compensate for the loses. Now there are game company's who is trying to release thier games via download. I don't know about you but the way the net goes down ( computer , xbox live) i don't want to have to get my games that way. So what do you guys think about it?Are used games slowly killing the game i ...
Downloadable games is a brilliant idea, I use Steam on my PC and it's great, of course the download takes time, but it's cheaper and easier than either ordering of the net, or paying double the price in my local shop. Are used games slowly killing the game i ...
Ive got a few games off Steam before and even some things like Tomb Raider Anniversary off the Marketplace but to be honest id rather own the case and disc.
to me i think game industry should get some money for the used games sale.
to me i think game industry should get some money for the used games sale.
I think sorentals too.well, maybe not killing the industry. But it hurts
Well I'm sorry as most of the games that I buy are used. Just can't afford to buy every game Brand New $60.00 %26 never will. I'd say for every new game I get, I buy 3 used games. This holiday season though it looks like I won't be achieving that normal used to new ratio as I've just recently Pre-Ordered %26 paid off Fallout 3, Crash Mind Over Mutant, Left For Dead, Gears 2, %26 Fable II. I'll also be picking up Far Cry 2 new at midnight when it releases as well. At the moment Dead Space, EndWar, %26 Need For Speed Undercover are the only 2 I plan on buying used.
What you have to remember is that people trade in games, and in return allthough they may buy another pre owned game, alternatively they may buy a brand new game, which they may have not been willing or able to purchase, without the price being discountedif so discounted games would to a degree help the games industry
All of my games that I get are new for the most part, a few I buy off my friends if they're done with it.
this is why it is not killing the industry: in order for a game to be used, someone must have payed full price for it new at sometimes and the companies get what they wanted there so it is officially not attached to them. then, when that someone is bored of the game, they sell it to eb games/gamestop and then they make a profit by selling to someone else.the bottom line is: Every game made its profit at 1 time or another
Well the reason I buy used games is because I just can't afford to buy new games. I do buy a new game now and then but only if its really good game its worth it. The other thing is i just don't feel some of the games are worth ?0 thats reason why I just wait for people who buy the game for the achievements or the hype, then I pick up the games for half the price. In fact I even made a profit once by buying a new game, playing it till bored then I traded in and I dont really see anything wrong with buying used games, bot everyone can afford to buy all their games brand new
[QUOTE=''msilva69'']to me i think game industry should get some money for the used games sale.[/QUOTE]I agree
[QUOTE=''nickmat_tycoon''] Every game made its profit at 1 time or another[/QUOTE] they made money yes.but what if I buy a game and decide to sell on Ebay or whatever? Are publishers/developers getting any money from that? I buy 1 game en rent it out to 20 people. could have been 20 people actually buying the game @ full price.20x60=1200!20x10(dunno the price)=200
Once someone buys the game new they own it and can do whatever they want to it. They can sell it, give it away, lock it in a box forever, use it for skeet shooting.........Make solid games and people are less likely to sell them. Plus this is the basis of capitalism. The game publishers should offer their own resale programs.
YesThat's why I don't consider people who buy or sell used games on the same level as everyone else.
interesting topic,i think you may be right
[QUOTE=''Jaysonguy'']YesThat's why I don't consider people who buy or sell used games on the same level as everyone else.[/QUOTE]I do both, buy new and used games, though I buy more new games to be on the safe side, plus some games are used only if you never got a chance to get them in the 1st place.
boo hoo for game companies, what this trend should do is encourage them to lower prices on games therefore encouraging more people to buy new and reducing the profit that second hand games would bring in. Americans basically rub off on the ''free market'' until it doesn't work for them, get over it, this is how capitalism works and it forces companies to become creative in their marketing, price points, etc.
Well obviously its not hurting it that badly considering how well games are selling. And when you think about it, for a used game to be bought, one new game has to be. So it does balance out in the end.
No offence, but your premise is completely off (OP). Under your line of reason, anytime i sell anything, the company that made it should get a cut? So do you work for a developer or what? When you purchase and PAY for an item, it's your to keep, trash, wipe your butt with it or sell it. In the free market economy we live in I can't imagine an intelligent person thinking that way. Well it's no wonder I don't spend a lot of time here, you are all still in high-school for god's sake, how could you grasp micro and macro economics.btw flame on, I never re-read my posts or the asnine replies that you children spawn.
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