Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bungies Freakin ''Cryptic Messages&q ...

im gonna be honest... bungie is about to get drop kicked in the throat by none other than me. im so tired of these cryptic messages that seem to tease at a game or mmo etc. but never go anywhere. i mean after the ending to halo 3 i was siked but its been a while now and all ive seen is some stuiped teasers any one agree???Bungies Freakin ''Cryptic Messages%26q ...
You need to get out more and find something else to fill your time than just waiting for some other game to be released or even talked about.Books, movies, golf, tennis, a job(if old enough)...Bungies Freakin ''Cryptic Messages%26q ...
I hate them aswell, but you have to hand it to Bungie they know how to hype up a game and get people obsessed.
[QUOTE=''specialed''] You need to get out more and find something else to fill your time than just waiting for some other game to be released or even talked about.Books, movies, golf, tennis, a job(if old enough)...[/QUOTE] i dont go to bungie .com every day and look just every time i come on gamespot or watch xplay its another freakin teaser by the way dont like ur avatar
Dont worry about them then... Ignore them if you ''hate'' themAt least Bungie knows how to keep their fans guessing and involved rather than disappearing off the radar for 4-5 years like Valve,etc while they complete their masterpieces in secrecy...
[QUOTE=''specialed''] You need to get out more and find something else to fill your time than just waiting for some other game to be released or even talked about.Books, movies, golf, tennis, a job(if old enough)...[/QUOTE]I love on how people make assumptions of other people.
i think the messages are cool, it cool how they think of ways to get us excited
How do you drop kick someone in the throat? Wouldn't you have to knock them down first? Wouldn't be easier to just punch them?But I digress. If they bugs you that much then just ignore them.
LOL That's how bungies rolls....they have always been like that! even when they realised Halo 1Dont take them to serouisly....just take what comes your way from them
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
All in due time, all in due time. Also 'siked'? you mean psyched?
Wait wait! Youre going to dropkick a studio of developers? Isnt that like 50 or so people behind the halo series. I think by the time you finish with the first one you will get dropkicked out of the studio by the team. Hell they might even get the mlg pros and introduce you to an mlg dropkick. I would pay money to see that.What is wrong with the messages? They make you go blind?
Actually you're probably right, I think they should show some screenshot (even if partial) but these stupid online gimmicks are getting old, show it or shut it!
its obviously a halo related game me of halo fall of reach
[QUOTE=''krp008'']Dont worry about them then... Ignore them if you ''hate'' themAt least Bungie knows how to keep their fans guessing and involved rather than disappearing off the radar for 4-5 years like Valve,etc while they complete their masterpieces in secrecy...[/QUOTE]I prefer it that way. Then an awesome game hits me in the head. I hate waiting in anticipation for awesome games to come out....
hey man, thats how bungie is, if you don't like it, well, tough, cause thats the way it is. I personally love the messages, and I love trying to figure out what they mean, maybe thats just me though...
[QUOTE=''specialed'']You need to get out more and find something else to fill your time than just waiting for some other game to be released or even talked about.Books, movies, golf, tennis, a job(if old enough)...[/QUOTE]lol books lol movies. Why did you tell him to get out more and then told him to go watch a movie or read a book lol
Just make sure you don't cramp your legs.

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