its most likely your cables. Weird video problem with my 360
The same thing happend to me right before I got the RROD. I could only see the Xbox dashboard but whenever I tried go in game I couldn't see anything but black,white and Grayish fuzzy stripes and dots.
[QUOTE=''TweakyChief'']its most likely your cables. [/QUOTE]Why would they randomly die though? I didn't misuse them. Hell I haven't even touched them in months. And why did my signal, at first, just go out when I started up the game?Could it possibly be the system or is it just a cable problem?
[QUOTE=''X-Fade'']The same thing happend to me right before I got the RROD. I could only see the Xbox dashboard but whenever I tried go in game I couldn't see anything but black and white fuzzy stripes and dots.[/QUOTE] So you're saying it's the foreshadowing of the RROD? Don't ask why, but I'd rather it be that than my cable.
well some cables are faulty work for a lil while then mess up its not common but it does happen. though with the problems with MS is could be the 360. jsut go out buy some new cables if it doesnt solve the problem then return the cables and call MS.
[QUOTE=''TweakyChief'']well some cables are faulty work for a lil while then mess up its not common but it does happen. though with the problems with MS is could be the 360. jsut go out buy some new cables if it doesnt solve the problem then return the cables and call MS.[/QUOTE] I've had my cables for nearly 2 years...
My old xbox did the same thing. It wasent the cables for me, i bought new cables and it still didnt work. Happened to my friend before he got RROD too. I just got a new one so I don't know if mine would have went RROD or not, but it dosent work either way.
[QUOTE=''Lobster_Ear''][QUOTE=''X-Fade'']The same thing happend to me right before I got the RROD. I could only see the Xbox dashboard but whenever I tried go in game I couldn't see anything but black and white fuzzy stripes and dots.[/QUOTE] So you're saying it's the foreshadowing of the RROD? Don't ask why, but I'd rather it be that than my cable.
[/QUOTE]I don't know it might be the cables im not sure or it might be the 360 but then again im no expert but atleast thats what happend with my console. :P
[QUOTE=''X-Fade''][QUOTE=''Lobster_Ear''][QUOTE=''X-Fade'']The same thing happend to me right before I got the RROD. I could only see the Xbox dashboard but whenever I tried go in game I couldn't see anything but black and white fuzzy stripes and dots.[/QUOTE] So you're saying it's the foreshadowing of the RROD? Don't ask why, but I'd rather it be that than my cable.
[/QUOTE]I don't know it might be the cables im not sure or it might be the 360 but then again im no expert but atleast thats what happend with my console. :P [/QUOTE] Yeah. I got th e same black and whites stripes and dots at one point. So it may be the same.
I just turned it back on and it works again. I wonder how long it will last...
Have you tried it on another tv? or on another input on your tv? it might not be the 360 at all.
[QUOTE=''iamdanthaman'']Have you tried it on another tv? or on another input on your tv? it might not be the 360 at all.[/QUOTE]I tried it on another input. And I even turned on my Wii to see if the same thing happened to it, but it didn't . I've come to the conclusion that it's either my cable or my 360. I think it's the latter.
Thats odd
same thing happend to me yesterday, i don't think is the cables, i think it has to do with whatever reads the disk and generates the graphics from the disk, because at any time my xbox menu or the dashboard gets affected it is only the game, i siwtch tv, switch from hd to sd signal, and nothing.also when i played uno which is saved on my harddrive it works just fine, i played for 2 hours and nothing put halo 3 back on, 2 minutes later, booom white black fuzzy crap all over my screen.
We got this playing cod4 (long session online) and then a single red light (lower right) and e74. We could have sent it back to MS and waited over a month so decided instead to do the (4 screws, spring washers, nylon washers and plain washers). We followed the instruction videos exactly and have since been playing for a week just as intensely. We had the xbox under the tv in shelves shared with a lot of other hot equipment and not much room to ventilate. Now the xbox is up next to the TV. What happens is the unit overheats and the Grahpics Processor Unit (GPU) solder becomes soft and the processor moves slightly off its base because the original xclamp that holds the heat sink warps and allows it to float off it's socket. The kit allows you to precisely clamp the heatsink down on the GPU which keeps it in place even if it overheats.
yeah thats the gpu e74 errori got it and it would have cost 100 bucks to fix i just bought a core instead 100 bucks different and got the arcade games new controller and the old one was a launch one so didnt want to hve it break another time
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